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Examining what things are made of is human’s eternal passion. Examining what computer things are made of is even more attractive. Examining what Flash movies and games are made of can be useful and even necessary (while remaining so attractive!) Sothink SWF Decompiler fulfils this passion completely.
Sothink SWF Decompiler can help you to examine any SWF file in details and convert it back to FLA («not compiled» Flash sources that you can further change). The software easily handles not only SWFs, but Flash Projector files compiled to self-containing EXEs.
So, what can be examined and extracted? Really Everything! Video can become FLV, audio is converted to MP3 or WAVs, pictures — to any image formats, ActionScript — to text sources or binaries, and so on, every element, without exclusions. You can know in details, how something has been created or you can reuse some pretty elements, such as pictures, shapes or sprites.
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'Ostatnimi czasy bardzo popularne staja sie narzedzia do inzynierii wstecznej (ang. reverse engineering). Szczególna popularnosc zyskuja dekompilatory, czyli programy pozwalajace uzyskac kod zródlowy z ich skompilowanych wersji.
Sothink SWF Decompiler to jeden z najbardziej popularnych dekompilatorów plików swf. Umozliwia on podglad wszystkich elementów zródlowych pliku swf , takich jak grafiki, teksty, media itp., oraz eksport zarówno wybranych elementów, jak i calosci - do pliku fla. Przed uzyciem tego rodzaju aplikacji, mozna zadac sobie pytanie, jaki jest cel uzywania tego typu narzedzi? Srednio zaawansowani uzytkownicy Flasha z pewnoscia posluza sie nimi w celu podgladu zródel. Na ich podstawie beda mogli podgladac ciekawe rozwiazania, które nastepnie beda mogli zastosowac w swojej pracy.'
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Sothink swf easy v6.5 serial numbers, cracks and keygens are presented here. No registration is needed. Flash Decompiler Software - Sourcetec Sothink Swf Decompiler 5.5.538 serial. Portable Sothink Swf Decompiler 5.0.503 serial keygen: Sothink Swf Decompiler 5.2 key code generator. Nov 30, 2014 This Flash decompiler supports Flash CS3 / CS4 / CS5 and ActionScript 2.0 / 3.0, you can easily get XFL file from Flash CS5 SWF. A built-in Flash player is available for you to play SWF / FLV / F4V smoothly. It offers multi-language interfaces: English, German, French, Traditional Chinese, Italian, Korean and Portuguese. Download Crack working: the program download on this video: Sothink SWF Decompiler relates to Multimedia Tools. The current installer available for download requires 40.4 MB of hard disk space. Sothink SWF Decompiler is sometimes distributed under different names, such as 'SWF Decompiler', 'SOTHINK - SWF DECOMPILER', 'SWF Decompiler MX 2005 Build 40915'. Sothink SWF Decompiler 7.1 Build 4642 Portable DOWNLOAD. 500 TERRY FRANCOIS STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94158 TEL- 123-456-789.
'Every element in a Flash movie is fodder for Sothink SWF Decompiler. It breaks Flash down into its component parts, including sound, images, fonts, buttons, and even action scripts. The toolbar-based interface is spacious, attractive, and thoughtfully laid out. You can load movies through the File menu, or by using an optional Internet Explorer plug-in, which lets you capture movies through the browser. The program saves images in BMP, PNG, or JPEG formats and sound in WAVs or MP3s. The trial version, however, lets you save only the first two resources in each category. That's enough to get a feel for the program, but not enough to do any serious work. We expect Sothink SWF Decompiler to be useful mainly to designers, but it's simple enough for computer-savvy home users who want to pull music or graphics from their favorite Flash movies.'
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'Sothink SWF Decompiler will be a welcome tool to any flash animation designer's toolbox. The ease with which it installs, along with the small footprint on the hard drive will make it a valuable tool for any web designer. This program quickly and easily dissembles flash animations and makes each and every individual component immediately accessible for independent analysis or application. It does require other programs to make use of the data this one can get access to, but the SWF Decompiler certainly makes it very easy to get to that data. '
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'Sothink SWF Decompiler is a really professional tool allows catching and saving web Flash animation for further editing by special applications. After installation Sothink SWF Decompiler adds a small button of Sothink SWF Catcher on the toolbar of Internet Explorer browser. Using this button it is easy to save a Flash movie which has been loaded in the current web browser's window...'
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'(Sothink SWF Decompiler) Another Flash MX Actionscript decompiler, with the most of the same features as Actionscript Viewer 3 and more... On a high note, this application by Sothink has some nifty features which have caught my attention ...'
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'Sometimes the easiest way to learn things is by doing them, and that includes using software to produce Flash TM and its many effects. Sothink SWF Decompiler MX 2002 Pro is a program that can make that learning curve a lot easier to follow. '
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Empfehlungsschreiben über SWF Decompiler
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Just want to let you folks know how your product is working for me. I suffered a hard drive crash and lost all source FLA files to some pretty extensive flash websites. All I had was the SWF files loaded on the server. Your product is allowing me to download my SWF files and convert them back to FLA’s. This saves me a great deal of pain and aguish. Thank you!
-- Hammond Burke
'The best decompiler out there. I bought the cheaper 40 dollar one first and it was riddled with programming errors. With this one it is 100% WYSIWYG. I am soooo glad I spent the money on this. What a time saver and a way to recover lost .FLA's from previous peoples .swf files. AWESOME!!!'
--Calvin Silverbow
'...its a good software, i never thought that swf file will convert into original fla file, its a really orderful software.'
--Ravi Shankar
Sothink Flash Decompiler Portable Pc
'I love your SWF deCompiler product - it has helped me *so* much in troubleshooting issues. Thanks again for your great products'
--Bill Mitchell
'Hi It's not often that I feel the need to say thanks to a software company. But the swf decompiler software really got me out of a potentially bad situation. My computer crashed at work and the .fla file could not be retrieved. So I bought your software and was able to edit the .swf that I had already published to the web. So the website was all finished for the launch party last night! So I just thought I would say thanks!'
--Andy Stubbs
'Definitely the leading software for Flash decompilers. Even the 15-day trial works.'
'With your program, we could complete a very important project, without the decompiler, the files would have been lost ...'
--Arne Ehm
Sothink Flash Downloader
'Your program is a good tool for extracting .swf and .exe files, it make Flash easy...'
Sothink Swf Decompiler Download